Educational Guidance

Educational Guidance

“Guidance is not giving direction. It is not the imposition of one person’s point of view upon another person. It is not making decision for an individual which he should make for himself. It is not carrying the burden of another’s life. Rather, guidance is assistance made available by personally qualified and adequately trained men or women to an individual of any age to help him manage his own life activities, develop his point of view, make his own decision and carry out his own burden”. – Crow and Crow

Need and importance of guidance?


     • Self-understanding and self-direction: Guidance helps understand one's strengths, limitations and other resources

     •  Guidance helps individuals to develop the ability to solve problems and take decisions

     •  Optimum development of the individual     

     •  Solving the different problems of the individual

     •  Academic growth and development     

     •  Vocational choices and vocational adjustments, vocational maturity.


What are the principles of guidance and counselling?

     •  Principle of all-a     round development of the individual.

     •   The principle of human uniqueness.

     •   Principle of holistic development.

     •  The principle of cooperation.

     •  The principle of continuity.

     •  The principle of extension.

     •  The principle of elaboration.

     •  The principle of adjustment.

What is the importance of guidance?

Importance of Guidance:

1. Sharing expertise: When we accept another person’s guidance, we use their expertise and life experience. This extra information can be very useful to us when we need to make decisions about our lives.      

2. Therapy: One type of guidance is therapeutic guidance.

What are the principles of Counselling in education?


1. Principle of acceptance: accept the patient with his physical, psychological, social, economica and cultural conditions.

2. Principle of communication:  communication should be verbal as well as non-verbal and should be skilful.