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Do you need help for your publication, master's thesis, dissertation, or defense presentation?

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Our Physicists

Graduated from the world's top 100 universities, our experienced physicists know how to make physics easy to understand with fun and real daily examples.

They know what you need to succeed as Academie Lab informs them about your assessments.


Our Mathematicians

Thanks to their pedagogical skills, our impressive mathematicians, who graduated from world highly ranked universities, will clarify all complicated mathematical steps for you.

They make your course full of joy when they reveal the applications of math in real life.


Our Computer Engs.

Our engineers know what you need to learn to be hired in the enterprise of your interests.

They help you to master your computer skills within a goal-oriented process regarding your professional and scholar requirements.


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Our thesis supervisors and article reviewers

Information seeking often involves defining the need for data and material, the concrete process of information seeking, and using this acquired data. Each thesis writer has individual needs for specific types of information, so depending on the thesis topic and discipline, each thesis contains its information-seeking process.

Our experts in writing papers and thesis offer you the essential tricks and guide you to realise your publication of dream.


Professional  Consulting